Thursday, November 18, 2010

Album Review: All Day, Girl Talk


By Captian Pownzor

So I heard amazing things about the new girl talk album and decided to take a quick listen for myself. Ive never been much for mash-ups, but then again I have known Gregg Gillis is one of the best men to see when it comes to the subject. I always kind of tacked up the mash-up as a mindless copy and pasting of audio samples. But this is an entirely different entity. Girl Talk does it up right.

From the opening riff of Oh no sound washed over me with some amazing sense of nostalgia. So many great songs in one. Opening with Black Sabbath's
War Pigs, samplings from The Ramones, Blitzkrieg Bop. Jesus Christ this song is just my jam. Its rock/punk music with great popular tracks from the past year included in it. A masterpiece even in the first track and the best part that this and 12 other tracks are completely free to download here.

If you want to remember the 90’s and classic 80’s mixed with just about every popular contribution in hip hop from the past 3 decades your in for a treat. This is just mashupalicious including so many samples in each song even if you start to hate it your soon to enjoy it in another 20 seconds.

To review individual tracks wouldn’t simply do justice. Each one has about a million different little grooves to it. In fact if they were to play it at a club and try to get people to dance to it all you would see is a seizure in the crowd. Its danceable but at times it seems only for moments. Its like “yeah this my jam!” but its over as soon as it starts. I could also see some awkward moments like how it may queer the deal when I'm dancing up on that special someone to a sample of Radiohead’s
Creep on the track Jump on Stage. The same song featuring Iggy Pop vs. Lady Gaga and just about everyone else.

In the end this isn’t an album to over think or review in depth. It is a great piece of nostalgia and its beautifully put together. Stuff I would imagine clashing hugely is pieced together with ease. I can say this All day is primarily a circus of an album, hilarious at times at the sheer absurdity of the mash-ups and it caused me to have a smile plastered across my face through the whole listen.

So there you have it, yet another music blogger raving about the new Girl talk album, but at this point I really don’t care. Gillis has created a truly fun and creative ride through many genres of music and many different generations. It deserves mention and free sharing amongst friends. Good thing anyone can download it for free anyway.


  1. Sounds pretty cool, I'll check them out when I get the chance.

  2. They sound cool I will check em out.

  3. I heard this album yesterday it was pretty cool mash up

  4. I like their sound, I'm going to check out more of this.

  5. totally need to check out more of them


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