Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shadows Of Tall Trees: Naive Logic

By Cpt. Pownzor
Staff Blogger

Shadows of tall trees are something a little bit different which is what is needed in these days of the new wave. They are like a softer bloc party or maybe a more sensitive mgmt without acid? All and all they meddle around in electronica with lots of cool noise and some hella catchy beats. The song Naive logic, is an effort that doesn't ooze the same amount of pop as some of the rest of the songs up on myspace. Its a song you don't really know whether to dance or cut yourself to. There is lots of joyous noise and drumbeats everywhere! But also some quiet emoliscious singing to balance it out. You can tell that a lot of fiddling goes into one of these songs and it produces an original and interesting result. Naive logic is a difficult song to pinpoint and is definitely one of a kind.

Check out Shadows Of Tall Trees on myspace

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