Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jimmy Eat World- My Best Theory

1/5 people not disappointed by the direction JEW has taken

By Captain Pownzor
Staff Blogger

So I was tickled pink the other day when I heard that Jimmy eat world was to be releasing a new album within the coming weeks. Oh how i rejoiced, after hearing their live album of clarity I was craving some new Jimmy Eat World.
But then I realized, the past few albums have been getting progressively worse. After hearing My Best theory I have come to the assumption that the new album
invented will be the greatest pop laden shit-disk of them all.
I mean come on now the whole of My best theory sounds like they ripped all chord progression off of a Linkin Park song. I am waiting for someone to come in screaming and for me to just change the song saying shit this is too metal. No it doesn't pickup, yes its rehashed material from a few years ago. Jimmy eat world should probably just quit whilst ahead. Do a clarity tour and stop fiddlefucking around trying to find a popular music sound that will identify with today's youth. Your old, stick to the shit you wrote when it meant something to you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have to agree, that´s really true what you said.

  3. i used to love these
    guys with a flaming passion lol

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. i dunno i like some of the newer albums they're more mature in a sense i think. so i'm excited about the new one

  6. LOL jimmy eat world = JEW

    never realized that

  7. Hmmm, this should be interesting. Can't say I've been a fan of their more recent stuff. I liked them a lot better before they started making music.

  8. Awesome blog you got going here man. Cant wait to see more music relevant to my interests.


  9. i used to love jimmy eat world, not so much anymore

  10. I've never heard of any of their song, but now I'm curious to do it.

  11. I was never a complete fan, but they were never terrible. not too bad though for their new crap.

  12. I was never really a fan of them

  13. Great album. Didn't care for most their new stuff too much though.

  14. Don't know too much about Jimmy eat world but thanks for the review!


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